Sweet Potato Kit Kat- A Crime against Nature


Whoa! How’s things? Been up to much lately? Just staying in the house mostly yeah? Cool, cool.

There’s still a bit of a bug going around apparently, and 2021 isn’t turning out to be the partyfest we all seemed to think it’d be. We’re all looking for something a bit different aren’t we? Something to break the monotony.

So, I got myself on that internet we’ve all been hearing about so much, and ordered myself the most novelty thing I could find. But how different am I willing to go? Sweet Potato Kit Kat different? Well, probably not if we’re being honest, but in the end, as always, there’s only one way to find out…

See? I'm not as high as you think, they do exist.


The packaging suggests we're looking at a Japanese product, so maybe they just like sweet potato a lot in Japan, but if you ask, me these are just straight up bad tasting (Sorry Japan!).

I mean, imagine a chocolate bar that tastes of sweet potato. It’s not a good idea is it? Why? Because obviously it’s not, that's why. Why would anyone thing it might be? Who made these?

It’s not that someone came up with this idea that astounds me, it’s that enough people agreed with that idea to make it actually happen. Can you imagine that? Mad.

Maybe it says more about me that I had to purchase the product and taste it myself, rather than intuitively knowing it like any normal person. We all have our flaws don’t we? But if I don’t go on and on about your big old bug eyes, maybe you can shut up about this for a bit yeah?


If you can get past the fact that this is a chocolate bar that tastes of sweet potato, then I guess it’s Ok.

They have maintained the basic texture that has served Kit Kats so well over the years, and well done to them for that. It would have been a shame to add an off putting texture to a taste that’s basically a crime against nature.


Soo-Perb. Absolutely classic novelty packaging. Kit Kat logo front and centre, right next to a big fat sweet potato.

If you’re not sucked in by it, you’re reading the wrong blog buddy, because I would absolutely marry this in a heartbeat if that was the sort of thing that’s allowed post pandemic (fingers crossed).

The Beautiful Japanese writing only makes the whole thing better.

I want to wear this packing it looks so good, and if I did, I would easily be the world’s most stylish man.

Art- Pure and Ssimple.


Well, here’s the thing- once I ordered from the website, there was a suspicious amount of advertising trying to get me to order again.

Funny that isn’t it? I haven’t seen an advert for these in my life, I click on one link, and suddenly I’m seeing 2-3 adverts every day.

Maybe this internet malarky isn’t as innocent as it’d have you believe.

Novelty Factor

It can’t be beat here can it? I mean this sounds like the kind of novelty food you’d make up, and then dismiss for being too novelty.

‘No! That’s too novelty!’ is what they’d say. And they might be right.

No Amount of mundane framing will lessen the sheer world shaking novelty of this product.

Final Scores

Taste- 1/10
Texture- 7/10
Packaging- 9.5/10
Marketing- 3/10
Novelty Factor- 10/10

 When you bear in mind the taste, you’ve got to admit that this is a pretty decent score. I mean, the good (?) people at Kit Kat won’t be using this blog as part of their marketing campaign, but that’s their look out.

 Next time, exciting news! After years of being a self-proclaimed #influencer (11 people read the last blog), someone actually agrees with me!
