Birthday Cake Popcorn

Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.

Those of you as obsessed with novelty food as I am may have noticed that there’s absolute bucket loads of foods professing to be ‘Birthday cake’ flavour these days. It seems to be a recent thing and to be honest, it winds me up.
What is birthday cake flavour? It’s not a flavour, that’s what it is. Birthday cakes can be any flavour you want, and so can the icing. I find the very notion of birthday cake flavour disrespectful to the whole novelty food industry. You can’t just add sprinkles to a thing and call that a flavour. Even if you did, it’d be sprinkles flavour.

I must admit that I was dead against it, I hated it and everything it stood for. Could it change my mind? There’s only one way to find out!

Taste and Texture

Let’s not mess around here, it tasted brilliant.

If you like novelty food, popcorn is a good one. There’s been loads of fancy artisan popcorn come out of the woodwork recently and there’s a good reason for that. Popcorn is an incredibly versatile snack with a unique texture that doesn’t intrude too much on flavour.

This product is certainly no artisan popcorn. If anything, it’s the exact opposite (if such a thing is even possible), but it’s still fantastic tasting. White chocolate, sprinkles and popcorn. Great taste, but the texture was what set it apart. Just the right amount of texture, soft popcorn, and the sprinkles adding a bit of a crunch. Loved it!


Brilliantly apt. A unicorn threw up!

Loses half a point because it’s not recyclable, and that annoys me.


None. But it’s not that sort of product. Made by a relatively small US based company, it’s surprising it even made it all the way to the UK, so the lack of marketing can be forgiven.

Still, no marketing equals no marketing points. I don’t make the rules up do I?


Here’s where I have a bit of an issue. This is calling itself ‘Birthday Cake’ Popcorn. On the face of it that’s got to be one of the most novelty types of food there is, isn’t it? No, you’re wrong it’s not.

When you strip it all back, this is standard popcorn with white chocolate and sprinkles. White chocolate confectionary simply isn’t novelty unless you add it with ketchup, so what are we left with novelty wise? Sprinkles? You’ve got to try a bit harder than that my friend.

Birthday Cake Popcorn simply isn’t novelty. Popcorn flavour birthday cake on the other hand… (actually, no, that’s not really novelty either).

Final Scores:

Taste- 7/10

Texture- 8/10

Packaging- 6.5/10

Marketing- 0/10

Novelty factor- 3/10 Good try, but not good enough.

Overall 24.5/50

A Mixed bag (get it?) but a new leader. Somebody write to them, they’ll be so pleased!
(For those wishing to partake, this product was bought at Sainsbury’s in March 2018).

PS. I've had a little think, and I've changed my mind. A popcorn flavour cake is novelty, of course it is.
