Strawberry Nut M&Ms

Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.

What’s the point in a blog if you can’t be controversial? There’s no-one monitoring me, I can’t get fired, so I can say things that others are too frightened to say. So here it is.
I Like Chocolate.
I don’t care who I offend, but I find chocolate very tasty, and I refuse to apologise for that.

Taste and Texture
Standard M&Ms, which are nice. Great tried and tested texture of crunchy shell, chocolate and peanut.
There’s a definite strawberry taste, but strong enough? If you’re going to go all out with the pink packaging I feel like the product needs a bit more strawberry than it has.
Simple. Brilliant. Classic.
I love this style of packaging from a big brand. On brand enough that you can tell its M&Ms, but different enough that it stands out. Everything I love about big brand novelty food packaging.
I found a Cosmopolitan article, but not a lot else. I don’t think this has had a proper release really, we could still be in the testing stage for UK release, so maybe more to come.
I can only score on what I can find though!
See taste and texture section.
Yeah, it’s delicious, but that’s because peanut M&Ms are delicious. Delicious is the easy part.
The strawberry is too subtle, and as a novelty food fan you either slap me in the face with flavour like you’re the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI, or you don’t bother getting up from your seat.
This felt like a bit of a Middle-ground attempt at a novelty food, too scared to mess too much with the winning formula it had to go big on the novelty.
Final Scores:
Taste- 7/10
Texture- 7/10
Packaging- 7.5/10
Marketing- 1/10
Novelty factor- 3.5/10 Another good effort, and if there’d been a stronger strawberry taste, it would have scored higher.
Overall 26/50
The first 50% plus score and another new leader. So far, the theme has been the lack of real novelty. Time to go big next week!
(for those wishing to partake, this product was bought at Sweets Galore March 2018).
