Novelty Food is Great- An Introduction

Hello! How are you? I'm fine.
Welcome to my Novelty food blog! A blog dedicated to novelty food and drink where I'll be writing a blog about novelty food and it'll be great!

We all know that 99% of novelty food is disgusting. If it wasn't disgusting, it wouldn't be novelty would it? They'd just make it that way in the first place, and we'd all just get on with our lives. But sometimes, just very occasionally, novelty food can be genuinely life changing! Imagine being the person that added cherry to Coke for the first time! Mind blowing.

It'll probably be weekly, maybe monthly, potentially quarterly, at the very least annually. How often are you supposed to write blogs? Who knows? Not me!
What's that you say? What's a novelty food? Well, shut up for a single second and I'll tell you, you ignorant jerk.
This blog will concern itself with the following:-
  • Conventional food or drink with new, crazy and/or wacky flavoring. (Did you know there's a peach flavored Coke now? Mental.)
  • Conventional foods with added ingredients (Hazelnut Snickers? YES PLEASE, YOU ABSOLUTE PSYCHO!)
  • Twists on conventional food that can be found in foreign countries (Is where you're from different from where I'm from? Is it? How so? Wow! It must be so great coming from there!)
  • Conventional foods that can be found in unconventional format (Banana Whiskey? It doesn't exist as far as I know, but imagine if it did?!? What a world that'd be).
  • I'll also be trying the odd recipe to create my own Novelty Foods, but don't count on it happening too often. I can be quite lazy.
I'll be writing about taste and texture, where you might be able to find the items for yourselves and any other info that comes to mind, whether you are likely to find it interesting or not. It'll be an adventure! (For me at least, what are you getting out of it? who knows...).

I'm genuinely fascinated, excited and often disgusted by the world of novelty food, and in this blog I will be inviting you to join me as I traverse the taste trapeze that is Novelty food. No taste will be off limits, unless I don't fancy it, in which case I'll give it a miss and move on to the next taste. What fun!

If you have any Novelty tastes you want me to review, or recipes to try, hit me up on twitter at @NoveltyFoodBlog    

Onwards friends! To The Tastes of Tomorrow!
