Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.
If there’s one sort of Novelty food that’s always going to catch my interest it’s when a company known for a thing makes a different thing that tastes of the thing they’re known for. It’s ultimate novelty in my book. A coke flavoured banana, a lucky charms sandwich, a ketchup donut, all top quality ideas just waiting for the big brands to pick them up.
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Look how yellow it is! Must be Mustardy! |
Today’s novelty food was in this category, and
although not a huge mustard fan, I dabble in the odd scratching, and this joint
effort from English mustard behemoths Colman's and Pork Product tyros the Snaffling
Pig Co. was just the ticket! How would it go? There’s only one way to find out!
Colman's Mustard is like coffee, Whiskey and
Coronation street, When I was a kid I could never understand why grownups liked
these things. Maybe I’ll grow in to these things? So far, only really whiskey
has made that transition, and that’s mostly because girls think I’m cool when I
drink it.
It seems churlish of me to say this didn’t taste
nice because it was too mustardy, so although that is basically true, I’m going
to hold my personal preferences to one side and at least try to be impartial
for once in my pointless life.
This was a mustardy scratching, but it was distinctively
Colman's in its Mustardness, sharp and punchy. If you saw the packet and thought
‘I like Colman's mustard and I like pork scratchings. That’s the product for me!’
you might get some funny looks in ASDA, but you wouldn’t be wrong.
On first taste the mustard hits you reasonably
hard, as mustard tends to do, but the meaty, porky flavour comes in hot on it’s
heals, and the mustard doesn’t outstay it’s welcome.
This obviously came from a meeting of two brands
that know their products.
It’s a pork scratching isn’t it? Crunchy with
soft bits.
The main issue for me was the dryness. Again,
maybe that’s not fair, that’s what a pork scratching is supposed to be right? That’s
what makes them so good with a pint.
For me, while the texture overall was good, this
went a tiny little bit too far into the dry territory.
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Little bits of Pig in a crisp packet. What a mad world we live in. |
Liked it mate.
Snuffing Pig co are the headline act, but there’s
no getting away from the well known Colman's logo and colour scheme. Eye
catching and distinctive, and a very good indication of what’s inside. Pork Scratchings
that taste of Colman's mustard, can’t argue with the simplicity.
None. Again.
Why don’t these people want us to buy their things?
They’ve got a website, but then I’ve got a
website. It’s not difficult is it?
Novelty Factor
As I said, nothing is more novelty in my book
that a big brand experimenting with food outside of its comfort zone, brining
what makes it distinctive and successful to the taste party.
This seemed like a brilliant match-up between an
up-and-coming brand, and a more traditionally well-known and powerful brand,
and I think they both got it spot on.
Snaffling pig co. know their pig-based food
products and how to add taste to their wares to make them stand out (the maple
flavour scratchings are really top notch), and Colman's know their mustard.
If there’s a better novelty food pairing out
there, I’d like to know about it…
Final Scores
Taste- 8/10 (tried to stay impartial, but no
doubt if I loved mustard it would be 9 or 10. As it is, it’s an 8 because, truth
be told, I don’t really.)
Texture- 7/10
Packaging- 8/10
Marketing- 1/10
Novelty Factor- 9.5/10
Overall 33.5/50
So, how did it go? Anything over 30 is a very good score, and this
would be much higher if I was a fan of mustardy things. Maybe I will be when I grow
Do you like (Colman’s) Mustard?
Do you like Pork?
Then I guarantee you will like this product!
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