Marleys Red Velvet Croissant

Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.

I’m a man of the world. I’ve been about a bit, you don’t need to worry about that. I’ve had a Latte, I know what Eggs Florentine is, I know a lady that can speak French, and I’ve recently been to London.

But just because a novelty food is all foreign sounding and from that London, does it mean it’s any good? there’s only one way to find out.
I can't think of redder food.



Croissants are one of those underrated food items (Jaffa cakes, cheese on toast, omelets, Frosties etc.). You go in to the experience expecting nothing more than something that tastes fine and leaves you less hungry than when you went in, but you come out thinking that actually, they’re really quite nice.

This looked the absolute business. All shiny and big and red (*snigger*), so expectations were higher than normal and it didn’t disappoint.

Buttery, sweet pastry and the cream center does what is was invited to the party to do and just makes everyone happy (like me and my dancing).



2-0! Back of the net!

Soft pastry that’s both flakey and chewy. The cream is what cream always is, creamy, so there’s that too.

Can’t fault it. I’ll have another.


Unfortunate, but unavoidable. Brown paper bag, not good enough.

Bonus point for not being made out of plastic, but that’s it.
Brown Paper Bag- You try to think of something to say about it then...


Poor. It’s a relatively small shop, so forgivable.

Or is it? The one chance for a small modicum of marketing, and the absolute minimum requirement is the little cardboard sign, and they couldn’t even get that to stand up straight.

If I wasn’t literally paying them for this product, I’d call it amateur.

Do you know what? F’ it, it is amateur.

Get your shit together Marleys. You’re better than that.
Signage #fail

Novelty Factor

Have you seen a big red croissant before?

Liar!/me neither!*

This was so ruddy red. Almost too red. Like a worried ladybird. Like a spicy warning. Like it was angry. Red.

It was novelty as all get out.
*Delete as appropriate

Final Scores
Taste- 8.5/10

Texture- 9.5/10

Packaging- 1/10

Marketing- 0.5/10

Novelty Factor- 9.5/10
Overall- 29/50

Just Like Greggs, but more London.

A good score considering the natural marketing and packaging handicaps that comes without a major brand, so ca

n’t complain.

It tasted great, and I killed an hour of this train journey. Winners all round!

Peace out everyone!

So does being southern and foreign sounding mean you’ll be any good as a novelty food? In this case, absolutely! And How!
