Metcalfe's Jumbles Toffee Apple Popcorn: Definitely Novelty

Hi Everyone, how are you? I am fine.

I went away this weekend, with my friends because I’m young and cool. We played pool for an hour, went on a train to a pub and then played shuffleboard for a solid 2 hours after that. Cool is as cool does, that’s what all the cool kids say anyway.

I also ate some popcorn this week. It had stuff in it. But does putting stuff in with other stuff work? There’s only one way to find out.

Toffee Apple Popcorn? Or Toffee Popcorn, and Apple? Or Both? or Neither? #Confusing


I feel like I need to be clear on what this product actually was.

Firstly, it was mostly popcorn, but not just popcorn. Some of it, but not all of it, was toffee popcorn, some of it was just kind of plain popcorn, and some of it was pieces of dried apple.

It’s a product that is marketed on its low cal characteristics, which always rings alarm bells. We all know that if you’re cutting down on calories, there’s going to have to be taste and texture sacrifices.

Well, maybe a bit, but not too much actually. Toffee and apple go together well, just ask Halloween, but the fact that the toffee was not all over the place like a mad woman’s custard.

It wasn’t sickly or overpowering, and it had fruit in it, so it was basically a health food. Bonus.

Helpful picture of the product outside the packet, in case you were having trouble picturing it.


Its popcorn isn’t it? So that easy, the texture was popcornish. Except hold your horses, because there’s apple to thing about too isn’t there? Not so clever now are we.

The dried apple in this bag was actually a real masterstroke, firstly due to the flavour, because apples taste nice, but also the texture, thin and crispy (that’s how I like my apples), and just the right amount in combination with the popcorn.


Fine. It said new on it, it mentioned the calories, it was green, like a green apple is green, it had pictures of popcorn and appley things. A bit like Jordan Henderson marking GCSE’s, it ticked all the boxes in a very efficient if unimpressive way. (He’s a footballer, and that’s a very clever simile actually, just so you know)


Well, they wrote a blog about it. So better than nothing. (

It’s a shame we know for a fact that every single blog post ever written is nothing more than a huge waste of time for both the writer, and the reader (if their blog is actually lucky enough to get any readers).

But still, as I say, better than nothing.

Novelty Factor

I’m going to say that was pretty high. They’ve put actual bits of fruit in a packet of popcorn. That’s genius in the novelty food world, and not something I’ve seen done before.

Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

Final Scores

Taste- 7.5/10

Texture- 7/10

Packaging- 5/10

Marketing- 3/10

Novelty Factor- 8/10

Overall- 30.5/50

Middle of the road score wise, but a very solid product. I like popcorn. I like apple flavour things and I like toffee. I also like not being fat, and while that’s not possible due to the way I live my life, consuming the product made me feel like it was even for the briefest of moments.

Does putting stuff in with other stuff work? It very much depends what stuff you’re putting in with the original stuff, but in this case it most certainly does!
