Jesus, he was a great guy wasn’t he? I mean he was just a really nice
bloke by all accounts, helping people, feeding people, telling people to all be
nice and not be bastards. He was fully anti bastards and I have to say I agree
with him on that point.
Why then, does he make us give up something we like for over a month
every year? I mean, if my wife told me I wasn’t allowed fizzy pop for 40 days,
I’d think she was being a bit of a bastard, but it’s Ok if Jesus does it is it?
Seems a bit off if you ask me. A bit too convenient, all things considered.
Anyway, that’s where we are, it’s lent, and I can’t drink me any fizzy
pop, and I loves me some fizzy pop, I really do.
But is writing a blog about (spoiler alert) what may be the words best
fizzy pop going to make it any easier? There’s only one way to find out….
A thing of beauty... |
I’ve said before that the greatest of all novelty food and drink is
cherry coke. Well, that was a lie told by history’s greatest fool, because this
drink is at least thirty million times better. It’s absolutely the greatest
thing I’ve ever tasted by a clear mile.
It’s the cats’ pyjamas, it’s the pick of the pops, it’s the ace in the
pack, it’s cheese on toast, it’s a sunny Saturday.
It really does taste very nice.
Faultless. Absolutely faultless. I simply can’t fault it. Look for a
fault, go on, look, I dare you. Don’t worry, I’ll wait…
Did you look? Did you find one? Didn’t think so, it can’t be done.
Some great big cherries, the classic Dr Pepper logo, a sleek black can
with stylish red accents, and some light bragging re. its surprisingly amazing level
of smoothness (see texture- faultless).
A very solid effort.
One Quick questions though, how smooth is it? |
Ever heard of the bad Kiss? Ever heard of the super hot pop star Fergie
(the one from the black eyed peas, not the embarrassing former royal)? No? well
to be fair, the adverts were from 2011 and those people aren’t really around
much any more, but trust me, if I’d have asked you those questions in the early
2010s (or maybe 1980’s in the case of Kiss) you’d have been blown away.
They starred in the adverts for Dr Pepper Cherry when it first came out.
It’s gone a bit quiet since then, but given some other product’s performance in
this area, you can’t really argue with the effort.
Novelty Factor
Adding Cherry to a drink is the same as adding peanut butter to
chocolate. It’s been done before, by everyone. It is novelty, but it’s not
exactly original.
No-one’s done it as well as Dr. Pepper have, but that doesn’t make it
novelty. It just makes it brilliant.
Final Scores
Taste- 11/10 (that’s right,
deal with it, it’s my blog, I can give something11 out of 10 if I want to.
Texture- 10/10
Packaging- 7/10
Marketing- 8/10
Novelty Factor- 6/10
Maybe I’m going overboard because I haven’t drunk any pop for several
weeks, and I drank this a couple of weeks before that. It might just be the
withdrawel symptoms talking, but I’ll be fudged if this is not the single best
thing I have tasted.
It’ll 100% be the first can of pop I’ll be cracking open when Jesus’
arbitrary rules on our consumption ends. What a drink.
What. A. Drink.
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