White Choc Coco Pops- Why have you added milk?

Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.

Making a standard product a novelty product doesn’t need to be hard work. Sometimes you just need to change the one small thing and hey presto! You’ve got novelty coming out your butt.

A three finger Twix! Novelty!

Jammy Dodgers with apricot jam! Novelty!

Fish Flavoured Coca Cola! Novelty!

See? It’s easy! And nothing’s easier than taking a milk chocolate product and making it white chocolate.

But does that make it any good? Fish flavoured coke can be as novelty as you like, but good luck getting anyone to drink it…

This Blog’s got form for handing out big score to white chocolate products (https://noveltyfoodbyj.blogspot.com/2019/05/tesco-respberry-white-hot-chocolate.html), but will this measure up? As always, there’s only one way to find out!
What is this Monkey Grinning about? what does he know? I bet he voted leave (or remain, depending on your point of view).


Well, let’s get this out of the way for a kick off. A major down fall for your standard milk choc to white choc conversion is that in some cases there’s no discernable change to taste. Sure there’s a brown to white colour change, but that’s the least you can do. We all know that there’s barely any chocolate in the product in the first place, so swapping out some of the colouring hardly takes a brain surgeon.

Well, calm yourself down and make a cup of tea, because this product actually tastes white chocolatey.

There’s a definite difference between this and the milk choc version that makes this a proper white chocolate experience, and that is to its endless credit.


Classic Coco Pops to be honest. Pour them in the bowl and they’re all enticing and crispy and fresh looking. Chuck even the merest hint of some milk in the bowl and they sog up like nobody’s business.

It’s almost as if you’re not really supposed to add milk, like that’s never what these were designed for, and it was your fault for even putting milk on it in the first place. You wouldn’t put milk on a curry would you? Or on a sandwich? Or on an Apple? So why are you putting milk on these?

Well, it’s on the picture on the box actually, so that’s a stupid question, and you’re stupid for asking it.
Before I added milk, and there was still joy in the world.


You’re walking along the cereal aisle of your local supermarket. Weetabix, yellow packet. Boring. Shreddies, dark blue box. Yawn. Rice Krispies, Light Blue box. Obvious. Coco Pops, White Box.  WHAAAAA???!?!?!?!?!?!

It’s Great, and I loved everything about it. Classic Coco Pops but white.

It is obviously Coco Pops, because it’s got Coco Pops written on it and that stupid monkey’s face is plastered all over it, but it’s the wrong colour, so something special is obviously going on.

Classic novelty branding from Kellogg’s, who clearly know what they’re doing.

Great move, well done, you win.


An advert! An actual TV advert!

Ok, so I didn’t see it on TV, I found it on YouTube, and the Monkey’s face is wrong, but still.

I’ve got to score high for that, even if it’s just for the effort.

Points lost for the fact that the monkey is wrong, and they know it. You can’t just get a new monkey in and expect no-one to notice.

Novelty Factor

Decent. I mean it is novelty. It’s a new take on a classic product. They’ve made a real effort to differentiate the taste, and they look different too. It can’t score low.

But have they made enough of an effort? I mean, they’re still chocolatey rice. I know I’m knit picking here, but others have done more with less and made it more novelty. What about one Coco Pop er box that you just get out and nibble a bit, and then put back until breakfast the next day? That’d be novelty wouldn’t it?

Final Scores

Taste- 7/10

Texture- 5/10

Packaging- 9/10

Marketing- 8/10

Novelty Factor- 6/10

Overall- 35/50

Comfortably top half, and deservedly so. They’ve made a real effort to make this a proper novelty product. It’s not their fault that you added milk you prick.
So does taking the easy route to novelty work? It absolutely ruddy does!
