Heinz Saucy Sauce- Making Genius Look Easy

Hi Everyone! How are you? I am fine.
Another big one for the World’s Greatest (only?) Novelty Food based blog this time around, and a first dip into the world of sauces (I agree with you, that was a great pun, because people dip things in sauce don’t they?).
We’ve seen with previous blogs (https://noveltyfoodbyj.blogspot.com/2019/04/snuffling-pig-co-colemans-mustard.html & https://noveltyfoodbyj.blogspot.com/2019/05/national-trust-chocolate-honey-spread.html) that mixing 2 things that were already a thing by themselves in to one thing that is a thing on it’s own can have mixed results.
But which way will this thing go? There’s only one way to find out! 
Gaze in awe upon it's beauty, for aesthetic perfection of this magnitude is indeed a rare thing to behold.

Right, let’s set the tone shall we? I don’t like using the ‘B’ word, but strap in and put the kids to bed, because this tasted absolutely bloody lovely. I’m not kidding, it was blinking great.
I had this on my morning Steak and eggs (that’s right, I eat protein, get used to it), I had it on my McDonald’s, I had it on sandwiches, I had it a lot. 
I’m not saying this goes with everything, but what does? This went with most things and that’s good enough for me. 
I think chips was really where this came in to its own though, an absolute world changer for me. This tasted luxurious on chips, really properly, honest-to-goodness luxurious.
I had really to have a really good think to myself before I used the word ‘luxurious’ there, but I can’t think of a better one. This tasted like flying to Monte Carlo on a private jet with really nice comfy seats, and instead of listening to music on your phone, Seal is singing to you, but he’s not singing Seal songs (name 3 Seal songs, it can’t be done), he’s taking requests. Luxurious is the only word for it, and I stand by it.

Brilliant, again. Heinz know their sauces, they don’t lead the market by coincidence, and the texture of this was ideal for a sauce, especially a chip sauce. Great for drizzling, spreading or dipping.
Beautiful, Consistent and thick, just like your mam.
A selection of just some of the things i tried this sauce on this week. I know, I lead an aspirational lifestyle.

Another home run for Heinz here, in what is quickly becoming a Heinz appreciation blog. It does what all novelty packing should do in my opinion, staying true to the brand while still highlighting the novelty of the product.

It might be difficult to make this one particularly environmentally friendly, but it does lose points for it’s over reliance on plastic.
Tricky one, because I can’t find too many adverts from Heinz themselves, but how do full articles in the following national publications sound to you?

·         The Metro
·         Stylist Magazine
·         The Sun
·         The Daily Mail
·         The Evening Standard
·         The Mirror
·         The Daily Star
·         And many more, as well as multiple features on national and local radio and TV.

Ok, so it’s not marketing directly from Heinz but you mark my words, these features don’t happen by coincidence. There’s a marketing/PR genius at work here, and I like their style.

Novelty Factor
What have they done really? They’ve mixed 2 foods that they already made into a big pot, stuffed it in some bottles and shipped it out. Easy.
But that’s where genius lives isn’t it? Making things that are actually tricky look easy, and doing it first.
 If it was easy everyone would have been doing it all the time already. Mozart’s Symphony No. 6 in F Major was actually really easy to write and as a matter of fact, I wrote it earlier today by accident, but he did it first, so he’s a genius.

Final Scores

Taste- 9/10
Texture- 8/10
Packaging- 8/10
Marketing- 7/10
Novelty Factor- 7.5/10
Overall- 39.5/50

Amazing! Huge scores across the board and a new all time leader. This is the kind of thing we live for in the novelty food blog world! What a day!

Which way will it go? Straight up, to the top baby!
